Celebrating Excellence at NTCI

“Back to school” is a time for goal setting, and the NTCI Foundation has set its goals high. Please contribute to the scholarships, extra-curricular activities and heritage represented by our new initiative: a trophy case that will display our symbols of excellence in academics, arts, athletics and citizenship.

As we look forward to acknowledging the accomplishments of our graduates at Commencement on Friday, October 7, we hope you will join in to contribute to their scholarship fund. As we anticipate the enthusiasm, energy and skills of a wide variety of extra-curricular activities, we invite you to become a part of it. And this year, we will install a new trophy case to display our heritage of excellence. More details can be found in the 2016 Foundation newsletter (http://ntci.on.ca/foundation/files/2016/NTCI-FN-2016-web.pdf).

Please mail your gift to: The NTCI Foundation at 17 Broadway Ave., Toronto, ON, M4P 1T7 or use Canada Helps for online gifts. Specify the Celebrating Excellence Campaign. All contributors will receive tax receipts (for amounts over $25) and be acknowledged in the spring 2017 newsletter.

Generous donors will be acknowledged on a plaque on the trophy case itself:

  • Spirit Sponsor: $250 and above
  • NT Norseman: $500 and above
  • Pentagon Patron: $1,000 and above
  • Naming rights for the trophy case in the Commons: $8,000

Hail North Toronto!

And if you want to absorb some of that spirit, don’t forget Red and Grey Day at NTCI on Thursday, October 13. We will be there to fill you in on the details.

In the meantime, if you have questions, please email Nancy McFadden at nancyanddoug.mcfadden@gmail.com.

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