We’re looking for a new treasurer to join our Foundation board

The Advisory Board of the NTCI Foundation has an opening for a new director and treasurer. Qualifications for this position are being an NTCI grad and having the willingness and skill to perform this duty.

The NTCI Foundation is a registered charitable organization that supports the students and programs at NTCI. We do that by fundraising and making grants for graduation awards, student activities (both curricular and extra-curricular), and managing endowment funds created by generous alumni.

The Advisory Board is a made up of 18 volunteers including 15 alumni, the school Principal, and two student representatives. We meet Monday evenings six times per year in September, November, January, March, May, and June, and for one to two “Dragons Den” events where extra-curricular clubs make presentations and requests for funding.

Participation on the Advisory Board is a great way to give back to NTCI by supporting the energy and creativity of its students. If you are interested in helping us out, please contact Ron Wakelin, Chair, at rwakelin@utschools.ca.

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