Guidance department reports rise in eating disorders, mental health concerns as students navigate pandemic

Thanks to the generosity of donors, the NT Foundation’s inaugural Speaker Series event in September raised $2,840 for the new Wellness Fund, which will help fund mental health resources for students to bolster the already fantastic support from the school’s dedicated guidance department. 

In the fall, NT guidance counsellor Jenny Hayden provided an update on student mental health. She noted that although many students were excited to be returning to in-person learning in September, a number felt underlying concerns “to varying degrees, from mild worry to clinical anxiety.” 

The most common mental health concerns are anxiety and depression, Hayden noted. “Eating disorders [are] something that we have more students seeking support for, she said in the report. “As well, support for students dealing with trauma and family disruptions — whether pandemic-related or not — is a common reason for guidance.”

The student wellness team, in partnership with the student council and in consultation with the guidance department, created a student well-being resource guide, which offers a list of both virtual and in-person support for youth mental health. 
As the pandemic continues to disrupt all our lives — including that of students — a strong support system is key for student success. The Wellness Fund will continue to support students’ mental health needs during this time. Community members can continue to donate to the fund at any time. In addition, additional Speaker Series events will be announced shortly. 

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