MY SCHOOL: A Student’s Viewpoint

We all have our memories of life at North Toronto, and we thought you might like to hear about the kinds of memories that are being created at the school today. So we asked Spencer Brown, Graffiti staffer, Foundation Student Rep and soon-to-be alumnus, to give us a student’s-eye view.

Life at North Toronto is an ever-changing event, with new things appearing on the calendar each week. Although I never experienced life in the old building that stood where the new field is, the spirit in those halls has transferred to the new building, where I have spent the last four years of my life. High school has been an amazing experience for me and for the majority of my classmates.

What’s made it so memorable aren’t the subjects or books, but rather the remarkable things and people that I have been introduced to. Our school is bustling with exciting events and activities: we have forty-seven clubs and plenty of events running each week, all of which help contribute to the history of our school and our memories of it.

The 2014–2015 school year saw the likes of the Soda Pop Shop, Maytime Melodies, both music and athletic banquets, Charity Week, Red and Grey Day and the Remembrance Day assembly. We had a semi-formal for the first time in years, hosted the Sears high school drama festival and introduced Earth Week and Mental Health Awareness Week. Also new this year was Spirit Week, reminding students of the kind of spirit that is in our halls. And NT students were globetrotters, reaching Denmark on an exchange program, and France and Spain over the March break, with a music trip to Boston upcoming.

We have a large number of councils and groups, including the Student Council, North Toronto’s Environmental Action Team (NEAT), the Art Council, Music Council, Gay Straight Alliance, the Pentagon (school yearbook) and Graffiti (school newspaper). And, as if that weren’t enough, we have something to pique everyone’s interest: there’s the Debate Club, DECA (National Business Organization), Spanish Club, Tea-Drinking Club, Robotics Club, Engineering Club, Biology Club and Drama Club—to name just a few.

There are so many clubs and events that I can’t possibly mention them all or convey how important they all are to life at NT. Suffice it to say that these events, clubs and activities all contribute positively and help define our school as a school that stands above others. I am very thankful to call NT my school!

Spencer Brown NT’15

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