Each fall and spring for the past few years, the NTCI Foundation has held a “Dragons’ Den” where current student groups present their requests for funding. This event allows for a direct connection between alumni and current students, ensuring that the Foundation is supporting the proposals that contribute to a vibrant experience for all NT students. This year, the 2019 spring edition of the Foundation Dragons’ Den was a spirited affair with several groups important to NT student life, Graffiti and PALS, stepping up to make their respective cases.
With the current Graffiti editorial computer now 10 years old, the newspaper’s energetic business team made a compelling presentation about the need for a replacement. Their argument was strong and full funding was allocated. The grant will allow the editorial team to continue the tradition of producing an award-winning student newspaper for their fellow NT students.

The Peer Assistance Leaders, or PALs as they are known in the school, were the second group to make their funding appeal to the Foundation Dragons. The organization of 131 members, which helps transition Grade 9 students to high school life, was looking for financial support for a variety of initiatives. These included mentorship workshops, holding pizza “breaking-the-ice” lunches with the Grade 9s and buying additional vests/t-shirts to identify members of PALS as approachable and friendly faces to whom young students can reach out to. The PALS reps made a convincing case and secured their requested financial support, thus ensuring that the students in the 2019/20 NTCI Grade 9 class will be welcomed and supported.

To show your “graditude” to NT and support student groups of today, please donate to the NTCI Foundation: https://www.canadahelps.org/en/charities/north-toronto-collegiate-institute-foundation/.