Year Reps

In October 2016, the NT Foundation held an informative and beneficial workshop on running a class rep program, attended by alumni from various years. The Foundation strives to increase participation in the alumni community through new events like the upcoming inaugural NT Homecoming Weekend. Here are some examples of what current Class Reps are doing:

  • The Class of ’62 meets monthly at a local restaurant for lunch. Members know the date in advance and whoever can make it does. Get-togethers are organized by Sheila Moscoe and Stan Pearl.
  • A combined group of ’79–’82 alumni get together a couple of times a year at Gabby’s on Yonge north of Lawrence. Don Ross (’80) is the organizer. The date is circulated via email and there is always a large turnout.
  • A 40th reunion for members of the ’76 football team took place in November 2016.

We continue to look for new Class Reps— individuals who take the lead in locating members of their year and liaise with them regarding Foundation events or year-specific ones. If you would like to get involved in the Class Rep program, please contact Stan Pearl (’62) or Lisa Cain (’82) . To ensure you are included in upcoming events or get-togethers, contact your Class Rep. In the list below, the highlighted years indicate special anniversaries this year.

NTCI Foundation 2018 – year reps in pdf format

For more background on the class rep program: Click Here

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