September 7th Weekly Bulletin Attachments

Here are the two letters to the school community:  a welcome letter from Trustee Laskin and a letter to inform the school community that a service animal will be in the school starting on Sept 17.

Trustee Shelley Laskin’s Back To School Letter:

The Service Dog in the school:

Service animals are trained and recognized by an accredited training facility and are able to assist with many of the routine activities which may pose as challenging for some students.  A service dog will be supporting one of our students in each of her classes throughout the school day.  Students and staff within these classrooms will receive more direct instruction and training as to the proper procedures and conduct when around the animal.  Please refer to the posted letter for further information.

Letter to Inform School Community a Service Animal will be in the School

(My apologies in the delay uploading them today. M. Kinoshita)