To parents and guardians:
Last year, the TTC made taking transit in Toronto easier for kids, allowing children 12 years of age and under to ride for free. Unfortunately, after conducting fare inspections and speaking with transit operators, we have found that many students over the age of 12 have been taking advantage of this new policy by not paying their TTC fare and pretending to be 12 years of age or younger. I’m writing you today seeking your support to help address this behaviour with your kid(s).
The TTC fare policy is as follows:
-Children ages 12 and under ride the TTC for free.
-Students, ages 13-19 must pay a $2.00 fare or use a student ticket.
-Students, ages 16-19 must also travel with appropriate identification and when asked, must present it to TTC staff. High school or government issued photo ID such as a Driver’s Licence or Ontario Photo Card are acceptable.
To address fare evasion, TTC Transit Enforcement Officers have been working to educate student customers, asking for ID and giving warnings. In the coming weeks, we will begin ticketing students who aren’t able to prove they have paid the appropriate fare. The fine for fare evasion, no matter what age, is $235.00.
I’d like to ask you to speak with your kids to let them know that there are consequences to fare evasion and that the TTC takes these matters very seriously. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact TTC Customer Information at 416-393-4636.
Thank you in advance for taking the time to speak with your family about this issue.
Deputy CEO/ Chief Customer Officer
Toronto Transit Commission
1900 Yonge Street, Toronto, ON M4S 1Z2