Monday, June 22 – Students will have an opportunity to review their exams with their subject teachers from 8:45-9:45 a.m. Please encourage your son or daughter to attend, as this will be the only opportunity to check exam results and resolve any issues that may be present.
Tuesday, June 23 – Students may check their final marks with their home form teacher 12:30-1:15 p.m. After this, the marks will be final and reflected on the report card. This is particularly important for grade 12 students and university final acceptance.
Report cards will NOT be mailed home this year at the end of June. They will be available for pick-up ONLY from the main office as follows:
Friday, June 26 – 1:00 – 2:30 p.m.
Monday, June 29 & Tuesday, June 30 –9 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Thursday July 2 & Friday, July 3 – 9 a.m. – 2 p.m.
LOCKS must be REMOVED by June 23 or they will be cut off (even though you have the same locker for next year)
Please ensure that ALL textbooks, library books and athletic uniforms have been returned. Have them check their bedrooms and lockers. They may return these materials up until July 10th and again, after August 24th.