tdsbCARES: Refugee Crisis Appeal

Dear Parent/Guardian,

At North Toronto, we are participating in the tdsbCARES: Refugee Crisis Appeal to support the Canadian Red Cross as they provide assistance to the hundreds of thousands of people who are fleeing war and hunger in countries like Syria, Afghanistan, and Iraq. 

We will be collecting donations of cash or cheques, which will be forwarded through the TDSB to the Canadian Red Cross. The charity will issue tax receipts for all online donations as well donations via cheque (minimum value of $20). The TDSB fundraising appeal will run until December 11th. The federal government has announced that they will match all eligible donations made by that date (up to $100 million) and set aside each dollar in its own Syria Emergency Relief Fund.

For more information or to make a donation online, please visit the TDSB website at and click on the Refugee Crisis Appeal banner.

With thousands of people impacted by this ongoing crisis,the need is great. With that in mind, we are asking students, staff, parents and our school community to do what they can. No gift is too small or insignificant. Your donations are much appreciated.

Thank you for your support.