Impact on Privacy of Techniques for Collecting and Processing Data

By: Shayan Haghighi Baghal

As technology is developing there are a huge variety of ways to access the privacy of others using phone cameras, laptop cameras, and many other techniques you cannot even imagine. Techniques may be accessible from hacking cameras and many personal information. As the amount of technology is increasing many people can be hacked and data can be accessed. On average businesses say they have at least one cyber attack per year. In addition hackers attempt to get information from business. 31% of hacking is attempted to businesses. 15.3% of hacking is attempted to education. Another 15 percent of hacking is attempted on the government/military. About 26% of hacking is attempted on medical/healthcare and 8 percent is attempted in banking. There are many ways of accessing information by different techniques from hackers and valuable information can be stolen with just a few clicks of a button.

Hackers have many ways of accessing others information. First of all the user they are hacking has to be connected to the internet. Secondly hackers often use spam emails and phishing cams. This is done therefore the person being hacked does not know who the person is. Next the hacker gives instant messages and sites that contain dangerous malware. This is the main activity that could compromise your computer security and then the hacker can gain access on information and data. This is the procedure that usually goes behind many hacking techniques. Once the victim decides to click on the message or cite that is when accessibility can be gained by the hacker. When the hacker has gained your data from the installed malware to the victims device they can do many activities such as: Hijack your usernames and passwords, steal your money, possibly open credit card and bank accounts in your name, they can ruin your credit, request new account Personal Identification Numbers or additional credit cards, make purchases online, steal cash from your data, use and take advantage of your social security number, sell your information to other parties who will use it for illegal purposes. Note that the more information you have on your electronical device the more beneficial it is for the hacker.

The impacts are very costly when a victims personal device is hacked. Checking your personal accounts is an absolute must when it comes to the safety of your information, if needed your taxes and bank activities can be done manually at the back instead of online therefore the impact of hackers accessing your devices data is not as bad then it would be. When a lot of information is kept on an electrical device the impact of a person hacking your computer could be devastating. Long passwords should be created and firewalls should be added. This causes it to be very difficult for the hacker to access a victims information, especially with firewalls because those are a great safety for your digital devices. Norton is a great safety package to have for your computer because it tells you what websites are safe to access and which ones are not. Norton is great for computers because it lowers the chances of privatized data being hacked.

There are many techniques for collecting and processing data. Some may be more frequently used then others but they all tend to do the same thing. One technique is the virus method. The virus method is when a hacker gets the victim to download malicious software. once the virus has been downloaded on the victims device the virus sends information to the hacker. When the information is sent, the hacker is now able to take advantage in any way he/she likes. Another technique is the bait and switch method. This is when a buyer buys space on a website and fills it with advertising. Once a person decides to click it he might get directed to a different page that is infected with malware. Once this happens information is transferred to the hacker and they might even further install malware on your computer.

Many people around the world have some sort of digital device either at home or in their pocket. The total population in the world is about 54 billion people. 4 billion people are internet users. over 2 million of them are active social media users. For instance snapchat, Instagram and Facebook. 5 million people are unique mobile users and about 2 billion people are active phone users. That means that out of 54 billion people about 22 billion of us use technology almost every single day. This opens up very large options for a hacker because almost half the world uses technology as a daily part of their life. Worldwide at least 25% of technology users could be affected by hacking. The impact on privacy of techniques for collecting and processing data can be very scary for anybody. Special and private information can be stolen and possibly never gained back again.


1.)How to tell when you are being hacked?

2.)What is the best way to avoid being hacked?

3.)What should you do after you are hacked?

