Adaptive Technologies That Help Improve Computer Accessibility

By Max Greenwood


Adaptive technologies are specifically designed to assist those who have disabilities. There are two main categories of disabilities, ones that are physical, and ones that are mental. This can be expanded further into categories such as visual, sensory, mobility, and hearing. In addition, there are many different adaptive technologies to help people with these impairments. (1) Although they all help, there are three that are vital if you do have a disability. Screen magnifiers, computer speech recognicition systems, and ergonomic keyboards.

Screen Magnifiers

Screen magnifiers are one of the more commonly known adaptive technologies, and they do exactly what the name says, it makes the screen larger to allow people with visual disabilities to see parts of the screen. It can be useful when you are reading an online article and trying to focus in on specific pieces of text, or when you are trying to watch a video, but you cannot see some of the images on the screen. Not only is it easy to use, but it is also really simple to install onto your computer. For example, if you have a computer with Microsoft Windows 2000, all you need to do is go to the Control Panel in Settings, click Add/Remove Programs, then select the Accessibility check box, then click OK. From there, just restart your computer, and you can use it on your computer. (2) There are more variations of screen magnifiers on different laptops or desktops, such as a MacBook, Chromebook, and even gaming computers, but for whichever system you own, a screen magnifier should be your go-to option to zoom in on content you have trouble seeing with only the human eye.

Computer Speech Recognition Systems

For those who are deaf, have difficulty using their hands, and/or have dyslexia (learning difficulties), computer speech recognition systems are essential in order to use a computer. The main concept of this technology is to speak words or phrases into a microphone, which the computer translates into text shortly after. (3) Many companies develop computer speech recognition systems, such as Google, Microsoft, Apple, and even Amazon. However, one of the most popular and well-known speech recognition programs is Dragon NaturallySpeaking. It is a software that allows you to create reports, spreadsheets, and search the web by using your voice, whether you are a student, teacher, or business person. It is approximately 3x faster than typing on a keyboard, and it is 99% accurate. (4) In addition, there are versions of this for PC and Mac, and for decent prices as well. For example, the Dragon Home v13 for PC, which is for home and student use, costs only $74.99. (5) Voice recognition systems should be a primary option to help get work finished much quicker than normal, for those with or without disabilities

Ergonomic Keyboard

If the former two technologies are used to help those with disabilities, then this one is to help prevent these disabilities. Ergonomic keyboards are designed so that your arms and hands can rest on the desktop naturally while you work. They can also take the stress off your wrists, and push keys into positions that keep your hand stable. (6) Because of this, they help prevent potential hand or wrist injuries, such as carpal tunnel syndrome. (6) According to the website, Digital Trends, the best ergonomic keyboard to use is the Microsoft Sculpt Ergonomic keyboard. It is a $66 keyboard that is easy on the arms, fitted with a curved, cushioned palm rest to support the wrists as the user types. Even the keys on the keyboard are arranged to emulate how human fingers curve. (6) Ergonomic keyboards are a necessity to prevent common wrist and arm injuries, and are especially useful if the keyboard the comes with its computer is a nuisance to use.


Adaptive technologies are valuable tools designed to help people with various disabilities, whether these are physical or mental. There are so many to choose from, but the three that were covered in this report are essential for improving computer accessibility. Screen magnifiers aid people who have trouble seeing the computer screen, computer speech recognition systems assist people who are deaf or have difficulty using their hands, and ergonomic keyboards help prevent the disabilities that cause people to use adaptive technologies. They are a saving grace for those who think they cannot use computers anymore, and hopefully these technologies will continue to help these people around the world.


  1. Who are adaptive technologies designed for, and why are they important?
  2. Does Amazon have a computer speech recognition program?
  3. What is the purpose of each of the three adaptive technologies covered?



  1. Wikipedia, Assistive Technologies, Pl, 2018.
  2. Microsoft, How to Install and use Microsoft Magnifier,, 2017.
  3. Wikipedia, Speech Recognition, , 2018.
  4. Nuance, Dragon Speech Recognition Software,, 2018.
  5. Nuance, Dragon for PC Speech Recognition Solutions,, 2018.
  6. Digital Trends, The best ergonomic keyboards you can buy,, 2017.
  7. Amazon Transcribe, Automatic speech recognition,, 2017.